Church Commitments

As members of ABC, we have repented and believed in Jesus Christ according to the gospel message. We have been baptized upon our profession. We seek to live out our faith before God. Therefore, we make the following commitments to one another, as one body in Christ:

We will strive in all we do as God’s people to glorify and enjoy God.

We will gather regularly as a church:

  • We will worship together in spirit and in truth, through the faithful preaching of God’s Word, through prayer, and through the singing of psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs
  • We will practice the ordinances of the Lord’s Table and baptism, as a memorial of Christ’s sacrifice and as a picture of our death to sin
  • We will submit ourselves to God’s Word and godly leadership, being equipped for ministry and maturing in our faith
  • We will enjoy fellowship as one body united by the Spirit, edifying one other by words and actions
  • We will give willingly and regularly for the spread of the gospel locally and globally, for the support of the ministry, and for the expenses of the church

We will go out from this place to do the work of ministry:

  • We will faithfully read and meditate on God’s Word, believing God’s promises and obeying what he requires
  • We will faithfully pray for our own souls, for fellow church members, for government authorities, and for the salvation of the lost
  • We will humbly watch over one another in brotherly love, as we care for each other’s spiritual and physical needs
  • We will live soberly, righteously, and godly in this present world, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts by God’s grace, as those who have received a new and holy life
  • We will proclaim the gospel to those around us, urging them to be reconciled to God
  • We will bring up those under our care in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, and live as godly examples to them

If we move from this place, we will unite with another church where we can carry out the spirit of these commitments and the principles of God’s Word.

May the grace of Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with us all in this task.

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